Ginseng Essenshu Compound Plus Liquid 750ml
人参益生素 750ml

  • Product Code:Ginseng Essenshu Compound Plus Liquid
  • Availability:In Stock
  • Quantity:20
  • MYR85.00

Ecolite Ginseng Essenshu Compound Plus liquid is made based on the Chinese medicine practices. It is a brew mixture of up to 30 kinds of precious medicinal herbs.

Cordyceps Mycelium 25mg
Radix Panax Ginseng 90mg
Radix Polygonum Multiflorum 60mg
Garnoderma Lucidum 100mg
Radix Salvia Miliorrhiza 150mg
Radix Angelica Sinensis 90mg
Rhizoma Polygonatum Sibiricum 90mg
Radix Astragalus Membranaceus 90mg
Fructus Ligustrum Lucidum 90mg
Herba Epimedium Sagittatum 90mg
Rhizoma Acorus Gramineus 90mg
Radix Polygala Tenuifolia 90mg
Radix Ophiopogun Japonicus 90mg
Fructus Schisandra Chinese 150mg
Fructus Psoralea Corylifolia 90mg
Fructus Morus Alba 90mg
Rhizoma Atractylodes Macrocephala 90mg
Radix Asparagus Cocohinchinensis 100mg
Rhizoma Rehmania Praeparatum 150mg
Rhizoma Diascoreae Opposita 125mg
Radix Achyranthis Bidentatae 135mg
Cortex Eucommiae Ulmoides 125mg
Poria Cocos Wolf 25mg
Semen Cuscuta Chinensis 125mg
Herba Cistanches Deserticola 150mg
Fructus Lycium Barbarum 135mg
Fructus Rubus Chingii 125mg
Radix Glycyrrhizae Uralensis 40mg
Radix Aucklandia Lappa 30mg
Flos Eugenia Caryophyllata 10mg
Glucose Syrup 1.5g
Benzoic Acid 20mg
Caramel 100mg

Ecolite 人参益生素乃出自系统的草本汉方,依据“平补,温补” 与“君臣佐使”的中医理论,将各种珍贵药材如人参,虫草,首乌,灵芝加以配搭枸杞,黄芪,茯苓,丹参,当归,杜仲,牛膝等多达30种药材精酿而成。

冬虫夏草 25mg
人参 90mg
何首乌 60mg
灵芝 100mg
丹参 150mg
当归 90mg
黄精 90mg
黄芪 90mg
女贞子 90mg
淫羊藿 90mg
石菖蒲 90mg
远志 90mg
麦冬 90mg
五味子 150mg
补骨脂 90mg
桑谌 90mg
白术 90mg
天冬 100mg
熟地黄 150mg
山药 125mg
牛膝 135mg
杜仲 125mg
茯苓 125mg
菟丝子 125mg
肉苁蓉 150mg
枸杞 135mg
覆盆子 125mg
甘草 40mg
木香 30mg
丁香 10mg
葡萄糖液 1.5g
苯甲酸钠 20mg
焦糖 100mg

Replenish qi and blood, strengthen the spleen and stomach, reduce bone aging. This is a gentle formulation, if continued, can gradually nourishes and recuperate the body function. Traditionally used to eliminate fatigue and weakness after illness, improve appetite, improve blood circulation, as well as for general health care.


Adult:1 cup (20ml) per serving, 2 times daily after meal. Measuring cup is provided. Shake well before use.


Not suitable for pregnant women and babies.
This product contains herbal content, the sediment is a natural occurrence.
