Honey - Manuka Monofloraln UMF 12+
蜂蜜单花酸 UMF 12+ MGO 350+

  • Product Code: Manuka Honey Monofloraln UMF 12+ MGO 350+
  • Availability: In Stock
  • Quantity: 1
  • MYR130.00

  • Honey - Manuka Monofloraln UMF 12+ <br/>蜂蜜单花酸 UMF 12+ MGO 350+

Manuka Honey  350+MGO is specially useful for minimal activity neccesary for wound and oral.

This manuka honey not only good in boosting immunity, it is also good in antibacterial, anti-inflammation, soothes sore throat, upset stomach and swollen gum.

Manuka is nature’s superfood: a spoonful of everyday natural goodness. Great for a natural boost to your daily energy. Manuka Doctor Manuka honey is supercharged functional nutrition. Add to your tea, breakfast muesli or oatmeal. Include in your smoothie & acai bowl, or drizzle it over yoghurt, waffles & toast for added nourishment to get the most out of your everyday.

HIVE TO HOME - Fully traceable, from your pot to our hives.

100% PURE NEW ZEALAND MANUKA - Every batch of Manuka Doctor honey is authenticated country of origin: Product of New Zealand. Harvested, packed & tested in New Zealand.

INDEPENDENTLY TESTED MGO - Independently certified as true to label MGO activity ratings & purity.

GUARANTEED - Verified & tested to show it meets the NZ Government’s definition of what Manuka honey is. Giving you the trust that you are buying 100% New Zealand Manuka.

Manuka Doctor honey pots are BPA free.

Expiry Date: 10-2026

麥盧卡蜂蜜 350+MGO 特別適用於小範圍的傷口和口腔。這種麥盧卡蜂蜜不僅可以增強免疫力,還可以抗菌、消炎、舒緩喉嚨不適、胃部不適和牙齦腫痛。

麥盧卡是大自然的頂級食品:是日常天然好物。非常適合自然提升日常能量。Manuka Doctor 麥盧卡蜂蜜是一種增壓功能性營養品。把麥盧卡蜂蜜添加到您的茶、早餐麥片或燕麥片中,包括在您的冰沙和巴西莓碗中,或將其淋在酸奶、華夫餅和吐司上,以增加營養,讓您的每一天都充滿活力。

蜂巢到家 - 完全可追溯,從您的瓶罐到我們的蜂巢。

100% 純新西蘭麥盧卡 - 每一批 Manuka Doctor 蜂蜜均經過原產國的認證:新西蘭產品。在新西蘭收穫、包裝和測試。

獨立測試的 MGO - 獨立認證為真實標籤 MGO 活動評級和純度。

保證 - 經驗證和測試表明它符合新西蘭政府對麥盧卡蜂蜜的定義。讓您確定您購買的是 100% 新西蘭麥盧卡。

Manuka Doctor 蜜罐不含 BPA。

Expiry Date: 10-2026