Korean Ginseng Slices (1 Tael 37.5gm)
韩国高丽参片 (1 两 37.5gm)

  • Product Code: Korean Ginseng
  • Availability: In Stock
  • Quantity: 50
  • MYR250.00

Korean ginseng made by processing and steaming. 

高丽参是经加工蒸制而成. 我们的高丽参是六年根, 指的是人参经过六年的生长后而成的人参的根部. 6 年参龄是品质最好的参.  

It with the effect of enhancing immunity, preventing and controlling diseases. Can promote blood circulation, improve memory, eliminate fatigue, improve sexual function, and delay aging;it also can promote children's growth and development, anti-cancer and reduce the toxicity of anti-cancer drugs.

具有大补元气,补益阳气,补脾益肺, 甯神益智等功效,是一味益气温阳的要药.主要用于阳气暴脱,四肢逆冷,脉微欲绝;体虚神疲,形寒气短;惊悸失眠;气若喘促,声音低微;食欲不振,疲乏无力等.

Good Korean Ginseng have fine skin and is heavy, not broken, and no scar. 


Keep in a cool and dry place to prevent insects and mildew.


Cough, pain, cold, fever, and those who are losing blood should not use it. 
