Fabuline Beauty (PLUS)
艾美颜 (加强版)

  • Product Code: Fabuline Beauty
  • Availability: In Stock
  • Quantity: 100
  • MYR250.00

Fabuline Beauty promotes good blood circulation throughout the body, to help every women stay in pink of health.  This formula is used to replenish the substances, qi and blood, which helps to address fatigue, poor mental function, anxiety, palpitations, light headedness, pale complextion and promote metabolism. 

艾美颜是由党参, 炒白术, 茯苓, 当归, 白芍, 川芎, 熟地黄, 炙甘草, 益母草制成的. 有助于滋补气血, 手脚冰冷,面色萎黄,腰酸背痛,经水不调,头昏耳眩,四肢倦怠,除湿止带, 食欲不振, 平衡荷尔蒙, 促进新陈代谢.

Tonifies qi & blood, cold hands and feets, pale complexion, backache, irregular menstrual flow, dizziness, tired limbs, dehumidification leukorrhea, loss of appetite, hormone balancing, promote metabolism

滋补气血, 手脚冰冷,面色萎黄,腰酸背痛,经水不调,头昏耳眩,四肢倦怠,除湿止带, 食欲不振, 平衡荷尔蒙, 促进新陈代谢.

Directions: Take 2 tables once time, 2 times a day with warm water. Consume anytime with or without food.

服法: 每日早晚各两粒,用温开水调服。(饭前或饭后服用)

饭前服用可以减少食物对药物吸收的影响, 提高药物的生物利用度.

胃肠道敏感者: 建议饭后服是指饭后30分钟左右服用, 可减少胃肠道受刺激. (艾美颜药性比较温和, 对胃肠道刺激坐拥比较小.).

Keep in cool and dry place. 


Who cannot take Fabuline Beauty?

1. During pregnancy

2. People with allergies

3. Those who have a cold


1. 孕妇

2. 过敏体质者

3. 感冒者, 以免表邪不解