Good Morning VPlus 18 Grains Premium
Good Morning 升级版18穀粮 (1kg)

  • Product Code: GoodMorning VPlus 18 Grains Premium 18穀粮 (18姑娘)
  • Availability: In Stock
  • Quantity: 15
  • MYR79.90 - 168.90

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GoodMorning Vplus Premium is a nutritions grains beverage made from selected 18 types of premium grains with 5 colours of phytonutrients. Vplus Premium is a delightful drink that gives a heart warming and delicious taste, since it is added with beetroot, goji berry and other ingredients. 

Product Features:

VPlus contains Red Beet Root, it is rich in iron to help improve stamina and fatigue, improve blood circulation and oxygen throughout the body. Whole grains in VPlus is good for your heart, lowers blood pressure, and helps detoxify your body.

人类食粮之称榖糧 – 榖糧是种子,也是生命能量的泉源。

Health Benefits of Whole Grains

Studies show that eating whole grains instead of refined grains lowering the risk of chronic diseases. While benefits are most pronounced for

those consuming at least 3 servings daily, some studies show reducing risks even if we take only one serving daily.

Other benefits indicated by recent studies include :

– reducing risk of asthma

– healthier carotid arteries

– reduction of inflammatory disease risk

– lower risk of colorectal cancer

– healthier blood pressure levels

– less gum disease and tooth loss


研究表明,吃全榖糧而不是精制白米可以降低患慢性病的风险。 研究显示那些每天至少食用三份全榖糧的人士明显拥有较低患慢性病的风险,然而也有些研究表明即使我们每天只食用一份,也可以帮助降低风险。


Directions of use:

Scoops 3 spoon of Vplus into 125ml of warm water.

加入3匙的18谷粮, 倒入125ml的温水,搅拌均匀, 即可饮用。

Keep in a cool and dry place. 
