Chinese Candied Tangerine (100gm)
桔饼 (100gm)

  • Product Code: Chinese Candied Tangerine (100gm)
  • Availability: In Stock
  • Quantity: 50
  • MYR3.00 - 5.00

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Chinese Candied Tangerine  is a food made from orange craftsmanship. It tastes with a faint citrus fragrance. The orange pie is yellow-red in color, with a fine skin and firm flesh. The orange pie can help strengthen the spleen and stomach, relieve cough and reduce phlegm. 

桔饼是由橘子工艺制作而成的食物,吃起来有一股淡淡的柑橘香味。桔饼色泽黄红,皮质细紧,果肉结实. 桔饼有帮助健脾和胃,止咳化痰之功效. 

1. Invigorate the spleen and stomach: it has the effects of invigorating the spleen and stomach, relieving cough and resolving phlegm, regulating qi.

2. Resolving phlegm and relieving cough: It can be used to treat indigestion, coughing and excessive phlegm, chest and abdomen distension and congestion.

1. 健脾和胃:有健脾和胃,止咳化痰,理气宽中的功效。

2. 化痰止咳:可用于治疗消化不良,咳嗽多痰,胸腹胀闷等症。

Snow Pear with Sugar Ginseng Lung Nourishing Soup

Ingredients: 1 candied tangerine , 1 white ginseng, 3 honeydates, 8 figs, 12gm each of southern and northern apricots, 1 tael of snow pear (38gm), 20gm of northern ginseng, 1 small slice of orange peel

Efficacy: Resolving phlegm and relieving cough, lack of sleep, sore throat and itching, chest tightness and abdominal distension, clearing heat and detoxification, eating irregularities, nourishing the lungs and relieving depression, clearing the heart and eliminating irritability, nourishing the lungs and removing bad breath, preventing influenza

Cooking method: After the water is boiled, add the ingredients and rock sugar, turn to low heat and cook for 45 minutes, ready to serve. 


材料: 桔饼1片, 白糖参1条, 蜜枣3粒, 无花果8粒, 南北杏各12gm, 雪梨干1两(38gm), 北沙参20gm, 陈皮1小片

功效:   化痰止咳, 睡眠不足, 咽喉痛痒, 胸闷腹胀, 清热解毒, 食带不肖, 润肺解郁, 清心除烦, 润肺除口臭, 预防流行性感冒 

煮法:   水滚后, 加入材料和冰糖, 转小火续煮 45 分钟, 即可食用.

For freshness: store in refrigerator or dry & cool place. 
