White Radix Ginseng (100gm)
白糖参 (100gm)

  • Product Code: White Radix Ginseng (100gm)
  • Availability: In Stock
  • Quantity: 50
  • MYR25.00

White Radix Ginseng is the abbreviation of white sugar ginseng. It uses fresh ginseng as the raw material and is processed through the processes of selecting ginseng, stubble, smoked ginseng, scrubbing, blanching, arranging needles, turning needles, filling sugar, and drying. Its has the effect of replenishing nourishment and strengthening body fluid.


It is used for physical weakness, cold limbs, weak spleen and lack of food, lung deficiency and cough, body and wound thirst, internal heat and thirst, chronic illness and deficiency, palpitations, insomnia, impotence, uterine cold, heart failure, cardiogenic shock.


Tai Zi Shen Tang Shen Soup

Material: Taizi ginseng, white sugar ginseng, fig, Beiqi.

Ingredients: ribs, lean meat.

Children with weak physique and often reluctant to eat, you can try this Soup. The special production method of sugar ginseng and the precise medicinal effects of ginseng make it easier to be absorbed by the human body. It is also especially suitable for children and the elderly. It has a very good taste. It can replenish vitality, invigorate the spleen and stomach, and promote appetite. It is suitable for people with weak constitution.




小孩体质虚弱,经常不愿意吃, 可以试试太子参糖参汤。糖参特殊的制作方法,精准人参的药效,使其更容易被人体吸收,也特别适合小孩和老人服用而且口感非常好,糖参可以补元气,健脾胃,促食欲,适合体质虚弱人士。

Pack it in a sealed bag and store it in the refrigerator.

用密封袋包装好, 放进冰箱保存即可. 

White radix ginseng is not to be eaten with grapes. The nutrition is damaged. Grapes contain tannic acid, which is easily combined with the protein in white sugar ginseng to form precipitation, which affects absorption and reduces the efficacy.

白糖参忌与葡萄同吃营养受损,葡萄中含有鞣酸,极易与白糖参中的蛋白质结合生成沉淀,影响吸收 而降低药效