White Chrysanthemum Flower (30gm)
杭白菊花 (30gm)

  • Product Code: White Chrysanthemum Flower (30gm)
  • Availability: In Stock
  • Quantity: 50
  • MYR7.00

White Chrysanthemum is one variety of chrysanthemum, known as Hang Bai Ju. White chrysanthemum taste sweet with very strong chrysanthemum fragrance.

杭白菊花为杭州特产, 桐乡素有"杭白菊之乡"的美誉. 杭白菊花对治疗眼睛疲劳, 视力模糊有很好的疗效, 经常觉得眼睛干事的电脑族, 多喝些杭白菊花有利无害. 疏散清泻的功效黄菊较强, 白菊花兼能养肝. 

It is rich in antioxidants so great for detoxing; its vitamin B content is great for de-stressing as it clams the nerves and cooling the body. 

疏散风热, 平肝明目, 清热解毒. 

Brewing guide:

Use around 4 to 5 flowers for every 250ml of water. Steep tea leaves in hot water for 5 minutes until the liquor turns light yellow. You may try brewing this tea with a bit of rock sugar, gan cao, goji berries. Serve well hot or cold. 

每次放上四, 五朵, 再用沸水冲泡即可. 饮用菊花茶可根据个人喜好, 加入冰糖, 甘草, 枸杞, 这样喝起来别具风味. 

Do keep in fridge to prolong freshness. 

保存在干燥的容器里, 密封好后放在干燥, 阴凉, 通风处即可. 如果消耗速度慢时, 需放在冰箱中冷藏, 即可延长保存期. 

Drink too much at once can upset a sensitive stomach and might cause skin irritation and sun sensitivity.

杭白菊花性质寒凉禁止过量饮用, 不然会让人体出现身体虚寒的不良症状.