Chrysanthemum Buds (50gm)
贡菊花 (50gm)

  • Product Code: Chrysanthemum Buds (50gm)
  • Availability: In Stock
  • Quantity: 49
  • MYR8.00

Chrysanthemum buds flower help clear the heatiness and strengthen the lungs. The chrysanthemum buds have a very sweet milk fragrance, and taste smooth, refreshing.

胎菊是未开放的花蕾. 胎菊花形整齐, 花瓣内敛蜷曲, 色泽金黄, 花蜜味甜浓郁.  具有养肝明目, 清心补肾, 健脾和胃, 润喉生津等功效. 

Nourishing liver to improve visual acuity, heat-clearing and detoxifying.

养肝明目, 清心补肾, 健脾和胃, 润喉生津, 调整血脂等功效.

Use around 5 flower buds and 6 goji berries for every 250ml of hot water. Steep tea leaves in hot water for 5 minutes until the liquor turns light yellow. Serve with hot or cold. 

将5枚胎菊, 6粒枸杞, 放入玻璃杯, 倒入250毫升的热水浸泡5分钟, 即可饮用. 治疗眼睛干湿, 缓解双眼疲劳. 

Air tight and store in the fridge. 

确保密封后, 放置阴凉处, 如果消耗速度慢, 必须放在冰箱中, 可以延长保存期. 

Not encourage to overnight. 

注意: 随泡随饮, 不要隔夜.