Iranian Dried Figs (100gm)
伊朗无花果干 (100gm)

  • Product Code: Iranian Dried Figs (100gm)
  • Availability: In Stock
  • Quantity: 50
  • MYR6.00

Iranian dried figs have a harder taste and sweeter taste. They can invigorate the stomach, clear the intestines, reduce swelling and detoxification, and can be used to treat enteritis, constipation, hemorrhoids, and sore throat.

伊朗无花果干, 口感比较硬, 甘甜, 能够健胃, 清肠, 消肿解毒, 可以用来治疗肠炎, 便秘, 痔场疮, 及喉痛.

Clear heat and promote fluid; invigorate the spleen and appetite; detoxify and reduce swelling. Indications of sore throat, dry cough, hoarseness, sparse milk; constipation due to intestinal heat; loss of appetite, indigestion.

清热生津; 健脾开胃; 解毒消肿. 主治咽喉肿痛, 燥咳声嘶, 乳汁稀少; 肠热便秘; 食欲不振, 消化不良. 

Iranian dried figs:

1. Can eat directly

2. Can make soup

3. Can make porridge

4. Can be made into desserts


1. 能直接吃

2. 能做汤

3. 能做粥

4. 能做成甜品

How to keep your figs fresh: Store in a plastic container in the coldest part of your refrigerator. 


People with cold stomach pain should not eat.
