Hai Zhu Big (100gm)
海竹大片 (100gm)

  • Product Code: Hai Zhu Big (100gm)
  • Availability: In Stock
  • Quantity: 100
  • MYR22.50

It is the root and stem of Yu Zhu which helps reduce sediments and also softens the blood vessel. Serve this soup frequently is good to Heart and Lungs. 

海竹大片产地于湖南. 味道较香无酸味, 具有润肺健脾, 补气养阴, 益肾精功效. 用于脾肾虚弱, 肺虚燥咳, 最适合肾虚引致腰漆酸软, 经常饮用使人精神充沛, 活力倍增. 

Nourish yin and nourish lungs, improve immunity, strengthen body.

养阴润肺, 提高免疫力, 强身健体