Phnom Penh Rose (50gm)
金边玫瑰 (50gm)

  • Product Code: Phnom Penh Rose (50gm)
  • Availability: In Stock
  • Quantity: 50
  • MYR12.00

Phnom Penh rose is one of the rose family flowers. Compared with other roses, Phnom Penh rose compensates for the bitterness of bitter water rose and flat shade rose in taste, and appears more fresh and sweet. Phnom Penh rose has been wild before artificial planting It is distributed in the wilderness and is an excellent variety after long-term natural species selection. It is much stronger than other varieties in terms of disease resistance.

金边玫瑰花是玫瑰花的其中一种. 相对其它的玫瑰花, 金边玫瑰在口感上弥补了苦水玫瑰和平陰玫瑰的苦涩味, 显得更加的清新与甜蜜. 金边玫瑰由於在人工种植之前一直以野生状态分布於荒郊野外,是经过长期自然物种选择的优良品种, 在抗病性方面较其它品种强得多.

Relieves menstrual pain, stress, antioxidants, chronic disease prevention, help sleeping, anti-inflammatory, improve digestion and liver detox. 

具有理气、收敛、舒气活血、镇静, 安抚, 抗忧郁, 美容养颜等作用. 主治月经不调,跌打损伤、肝气胃痛,乳臃肿痛等症.

Treatment of menstrual depression:

15 grams of roses, add boiling water, soak for 5-10 minutes before drinking. When drinking, you can mix in rock sugar or honey according to your personal taste.

Treatment of menopause:

You can use 3-5 grams of roses and 6 grams of angelica (tang gui), add boiling water to brew, cover and stuff for 5-10 minutes, you can add a little honey.


15克玫瑰花, 加入沸水, 浸泡5-10分钟后即可饮用.  在饮用时, 您可以根据个人口味调入冰糖或蜂蜜. 


可用玫瑰花3-5克, 当归6克, 加入沸水冲泡, 盖上盖闷5-10分钟, 可适量加少许蜂蜜. 


Put in a sealed container and keep in a cool, dry place. Protect from direct sunlight.


Constipation, cold stomach, diarrhea, and weak body should not be taken.

Women with excessive menstrual flow should not drink this during menstruation.

便秘、胃寒、腹泻、身体虚弱者不宜服用. 月经量过多的女性在经期不宜饮用.