Xin Zhang Xue Guan Chang Tong Yao

  • Product Code: 心脏血管畅通药
  • Availability: In Stock
  • Quantity: 1000
  • MYR25.00 - 80.00

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Our traditional medicine uses more than 20 pure herbs,

Long-term use can prevent and reduce the risk of coronary heart disease and cardiovascular disease. Therefore, cardiovascular drugs have a positive effect on preventing disease and protecting the heart.



It can soften and clear arterial obstruction and smooth the blood vessels, reduce neck pain, anti-brain stroke, lower cholesterol, lower blood pressure / hypertension, reduce body pain, stroke or people with limited mobility can be taken continuously, health care providers advise to take a pack weekly.

可软化疏通动脉梗阻 ,畅通血管, 帮助解除颈部酸痛, 防脑中风,降低胆固醇, 高血压,屈伸艰难,四肢麻木,中风或行动不便者,可连续服用, 保健者可每星期服一帖.

归尾 桃仁 , 川芎, 河红花, 毛冬青, 丹皮, 牛膝, 赤芍, 北芪, 鸡血藤, 枳壳, 吉梗, 生地, 柴胡, 石榴皮, 山楂, 泽兰

Put the herbs, two small packs (red flower and powder) with 6 bowls of water into a clay pot and bring to a boil. Once the water starts boiling, reduce the heat to simmer until 2 bowls remain (approximately 60 minutes). Take a bowl each morning and night. 

What pot to use?
You may use clay pot or any ceramic, stainless steel, or glass pot. Do not use a container that is made out of cast iron or aluminium. Chinese herbs can interact with these metals and cause a chemical reaction that could alter the therapeutic quality of your herbs.

用六碗水煎成二碗 , 早晚服用

The best is to store in refrigerator.



熬中药用砂锅或陶瓷是最好的. 此外, 也可以用不透钢锅和玻璃煎器. 这些器皿材质稳定不会与药物成分发生化学反应.

注意: 不能使用铁锅, 钢锅和锡锅, 主要原因是会影响汤剂的质量,和临床疗效.

Keep out of reach children

Do not use during pregnancy.

Do not use during menstruation or if you have a bleeding disorder.


怀孕期间, 月经期间或有出血性疾病时请勿使用。